HillClimb Frequently Asked Questions.

HillClimb Frequently Asked Questions.

What is HillClimb?

The goal at a HillClimb is to ascend a mountain road as quickly as possible. These events are officially timed, on a closed course.

How do I find out about Hillclimbs, what is the schedule?

The event schedule is on the homepage!

What minimum safety do I need?

Safety Level 2 is the minimum requirement - All drivers that participate will need to have arm restraints (or window netting), a Helmet that is up to date, and a race suit. More information on specifics can be found here:


What minimum safety does my car need?

Safety Level 2 is the minimum requirement - All vehicles that participate will need at least a 4-point roll bar, 5 point harness, onboard fire extinguisher, and race seat.


How long are the Hillclimbs, days?, distance?

Most events last a weekend. It is encouraged that you arrive Friday afternoon (we start early Saturday) and depart Sunday afternoon after the awards ceremony. Distances vary, see the event schedule for locations.

How do I class my car? What kinds of cars can I bring?

The classing matrix, found here will help you find more specific information, but if you currently participate in Solo, Time Trials, or Road Racing with the SCCA, and/or have a car with the acceptable safety requirements, you can HIllClimb!


What happens if I go off course?

Just like at a track event, we have EMS and Fire Trucks on site as well as vehicle recovery trucks located on course should the need arise. Safety is our number one concern at these events.

What happens if someone gets hurt?

Just like at a track event, we have EMS and Fire Trucks on site. This team is there to assist all participants and volunteers. All incidents require event staff complete an incident report as required the SCCA event insurance. SCCA insurance is second to none and is made available to all participant. This insurance is for driver, spectators, course conditions and onsite safety crew. Properly utilized it is a true benefit intended to cover potential damages to course and persons - IT DOES NOT COVER VEHICLE DAMAGES. Safety is our number one concern at these events.

Can I get track insurance for my car?

If you have purchased Track Insurance in the past please know that those policies we never written with HillClimb in mind. There is currently no viable insurance for HillClimb cars. We want to see you back next year so drive accordingly!

Where do you stay at the Hillclimbs?

That all depends on which event it is! Some events we will have lodging and camping available on site, and others we will have access to nearby hotels.

What if I don't have all the required safety equipment?

If you are lacking some personal safety items, such as a helmet or race suit, please reach out. We know these items can get expensive and we have some on-hand that we loan out at events so that more drivers can experience HillClimb. Join our Facebook page and reach out - second hand equipment is often available from other members if you ask!

Can I Volunteer?

Of course you can! The SCCA is always looking for workers to help out at events. You will have the best seat in the house as the cars race up the mountain! As well as some free food and lodging at the event!

Are there spectators?

There most definitely is. We run shuttle services throughout the day to get spectators to the various viewing locations on the HillClimb course.

What is the fan-fest/street festival? Why do I want to be there?

Not that the race paddock is closed to spectators during the event, but the festival before the racing starts is something really special. You will have the opportunity for some great meet and greets with the racers. You can check out their cars, get to know them, and possibly even get take home memorabilia!

Who can come with me to events?

Hillclimb is a family affair, please bring everyone that is interested in this sport! If you are a driver you are more than welcome to bring your crew as well! Everyone is welcome. Make sure to register your “pit crew” so they are listed on our records for access to paddock during event.

Do I need to be an SCCA member?

You do need to be an active member of the SCCA in order to participate in HillClimb events. As with any events you can purchase a limited membership for the event only, but we encourage you to join and receive year round benefits!

Do I need a license?

You will need a drivers license, and submit experience to receive a SCCA HillClimb License recorded on your membership. However no formal competition license is required.

What are the entry fees and average costs?

Entry fees vary by event. Average cost per event is typically $325-$425. Keep in mind that in addition to registration you need to sort out your lodging, safety gear costs, fuel etc, so plan ahead!

This is my first HillClimb, is there a way to get familiar? Is there someone I can talk with?

Awesome! Welcome to this fun event! We will have Novice coaches on site to help guide you through your first HillClimb! Also, if you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask away in paddock, you'll find you will be immersed around many HillClimb veterans that will be more than happy to help you!